Abolition Labor

The Fight Against Prison Slavery

Andrew Ross author Tommaso Bardelli author Aiyuba Thomas author


Publisher:OR Books

Published:8th Aug '24


This title is due to be published on 8th August, and will be despatched as soon as possible.

Abolition Labor cover

  • Pitch op-eds, excerpts, and reviews to publications including Boston Review, Bookforum, Dissent, New Republic, The Nation, NYT, NYRB, LRB, LARB, Harpers, Jacobin, N+1, New Inquiry, Essence, The Atlantic , Labor Notes, New Labor Forum, American Prospect, In These Times, Mother Jones, Counterpunch, The Baffler, Rolling Stone, Alternet, Slate, Salon, The Marshall Project, The Appeal, Inquest, Vox (Marin Cogan), Justice Trends, The Prison Journal, Incarceration, Prison Policy Initiative, Al Jazeera, Indymedia, HuffPost, Truthout, Truthdig, Common Dreams, Guernica, Transfers, Public Books, The Root, United States of Anxiety (WNYC), Justice in America (podcast), Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica, Il Manifesto, Domani.
  • Leverage authors' academic connections at Columbia, New York University, Princeton, Cornell, Rochester, Yale, Illinois and Shanghai universities.
  • Leverage coverage from previous publications by the authors. Coverage includes The New York Times, The Guardian, Vox, Public Books, N+1, and others.

Abolition Labor chronicles the national movement to end forced labor, much of it unpaid, in American prisons. It draws on interviews with formerly incarcerated persons in Alabama, Texas, Georgia and New York to give a more holistic picture of these work conditions, and it covers the new prisoner rights movement that began with system-wide work strikes involving more than 50,000 people in the 2010s.

Incarcerated people work for penny wages (15 cents an hour is not unusual), and, in several states, for nothing at all, as cooks, dishwashers, janitors, groundskeepers, barbers, painters, or plumbers; in laundries, kitchens, factories, and hospitals. They provide vital public services such as repairing roads, fighting wildfires, or clearing debris after hurricanes. They manufacture products like office furniture, mattresses, license plates, dentures, glasses, traffic signs, garbage cans, athletic equipment, and uniforms. And they harvest crops, work as welders and carpenters, and labor in meat and poultry processing plants.

Abolition Labor provides a wealth of insights into what has become a vast underground economy. It draws connections between the risky trade forced on prisoners who hustle to survive on the inside and the precarious economy on the outside. And it argues that, far from being quarantined off from society, prisons and their forced work regime have a sizable impact on the economic and social lives of millions of American households.

"This is an essential guide for those who want to abolish the last vestiges of legal slavery in the US and build a world without prisons."
—Alex Vitale

“Through the voices and analyses of imprisoned workers themselves . . . makes a powerful case that abolition is a labor question.”
—Robin D.G. Kelley

“This is a startling—and often inspiring—account of the pernicious persistence of prison slavery. It is that rare book which will galvanize a reform movement and, therefore, make for a better world.”
—Gerald Horne

ISBN: 9781682193983

Dimensions: unknown

Weight: unknown

270 pages