
Vintage Minis

Anne Enright author


Publisher:Vintage Publishing

Published:8th Jun '17


Available to order, but very limited on stock - if we have issues obtaining a copy, we will let you know.

Babies cover

Vintage Minis bring you the world's greatest writers on the experiences that make us human - from birth to death and everything in between

Babies: our biggest mystery and our most natural consequence, our hardest test and our enduring love. The author describes the intensity, bewilderment and extravagant happiness of her experience of having babies, from the exhaustion of early pregnancy to first smiles and becoming acquainted with the long reaches of the night.

Babies: our biggest mystery and our most natural consequence, our hardest test and our enduring love. Anne Enright describes the intensity, bewilderment and extravagant happiness of her experience of having babies, from the exhaustion of early pregnancy to first smiles and becoming acquainted with the long reaches of the night. Everyone, from parents to the mildly curious, can delight in Enright’s funny, eloquent and unsentimental account of having babies.

Selected from the book Making Babies by Anne Enright


A series of short books by the world’s greatest writers on the experiences that make us human

Also in the Vintage Minis series:
Fatherhood by Karl Ove Knausgaard
Motherhood by Helen Simpson
Drinking by John Cheever
Sisters by Louisa May Alcott

Fizzingly entertaining. Reading it is like having a conversation with your funniest friend. Enright has pulled off that rarest of tricks: writing brilliantly about happiness * Sunday Times *
Imagine our joy when Vintage announced that it is publishing a collection of easily digestible books from the world’s most celebrated writers on the experiences that make us human… They look good and read well. That’s win/win in our book. * Stylist *

ISBN: 9781784872588

Dimensions: 178mm x 110mm x 7mm

Weight: 65g

112 pages