Alycea Ungaro Author

Alycea Ungaro is a licensed physical therapist and is the founder and director of the Real Pilates Studio in New York City. She began studying Pilates at the age of 14, and trained for a decade before becoming an instructor under the tutelage of Romana Kryzanowksa, Joseph Pilates' chosen successor. Alycea Ungaro has trained many celebrities including Madonna, Uma Thurman, and Christy Turlington (Real Pilates, 2018). Her mantra is "Making Pilates available for everyone", and she has collaborated with Puma to create a special Pilates shoe. Alycea is the author of DK's Pilates: Body in Motion (2002, revised edition 2016), The Pilates Practice Companion (2011), and The Pilates Promise (2004).