Amira Ghanim Editor

NICK MAKOHA's debut collection Kingdom of Gravity was shortlisted  for the 2017 Felix Dennis Prize for Best First Collection for he’s debut Kingdom of Gravity and nominated by The Guardian  as one of the best books of 2017.  He  is the 2019 Writer-in-Residence for The Wordsworth Trust and Wasafiri. He is a Cave Canem Graduate Fellow and Complete Works Alumni. He won the 2015 Brunel International African Poetry prize and is the 2016 winner of the Toi Derricotte & Cornelius Eady Chapbook Prize for his pamphlet Resurrection Man. His poems appeared in The New York Times, Poetry Review, Rialto, Poetry London, Triquarterly Review, Boston Review, Callaloo, and Wasafiri. He is a Creative Entrepreneur-in-Residence at Goldsmiths. He is a Trustee for the Arvon Foundation and The Ministry of Stories and a member of the Malika’s Poetry Kitchen collective. His play The Dark produced by Fuel theatre and directed by JMK award-winner Roy Alexander is on National Tour.


Amira Ghanim is a British Muslim editor, writer and entrepreneur. She has a background studying creative writing and law, and has been Black spring press’ associate editor for 18 months. She has read widely in Middle Eastern poetry.