Angela Platt Author

Angela Platt’s poems can be found in a score of small presses including Orbis, The Interpreter’s House, The New Writer, Poetry Nottingham (now Assent), The French Literary Review, Poetry News and Prole 30. Her work has also appeared in several competitions and anthologies. Shortlisted for the Geoff Stevens Memorial Prize, 2012, for her unpublished collection, Sculpting Language, she won second prize in Southport’s 2015 Poetry Competition and was shortlisted for Best Poem in National Memory Day’s 2017 and 2018 competitions, then long-listed for her collection Gameplay by Cinnamon Press, 2019. Angela won third prize in the Prole Laureate Competition, 2020, for her poem Skydive. Angela founded the flourishing Newport STANZA poetry group for The Poetry Society and has run two, weekly creative writing groups locally for four years. She enjoys reading poems at open mic events in Wales where she returned, following a teaching career in Lincolnshire.