Ben Small Author

Ben Small is a Lecturer at the University of Virginia School of Architecture, where he teaches in the undergraduate and graduate studio sequence. Ben received his M.Arch from UVA in 2021, graduating with the Alpha Rho Chi Award. Colleen Brennan is a landscape designer with Surface 678. She received her Master of Landscape Architecture from UVA in 2021, along with the Research Excellence Award for her thesis project In the Margins of Enclosures: Producing Knowledge and Space in the Post-Plantation Landscape. Leah A. Kahler is a landscape designer at Reed Hilderbrand and adjunct professor at the Boston Architectural College. Leah holds a Master of Landscape Architecture from UVA and Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology and the Growth and Structure of Cities from Bryn Mawr College. She delights in justice-oriented storytelling in, through, and of, landscape. Her current research explores the possibilities of an abolition ecology through speculative fictions.

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