Charles Kennedy Author & Editor

Charles Kennedy is one of civil aviation s best-known writers, whose books include DC-8 & The Flying Tiger Line, Story of the MD11, Tiger 747, Jetliners of the Red Star and Air3 (with Sam Chui). He is a regular features writer for Airliner World, Aviation News and Airways magazines. The interest in aviation started in his 70s Sydney childhood, and bloomed in the 80s after his family moved to England, necessitating a trip to Australia every other year, flying every exotic combination of airline and hardware along the Kangaroo Route plus the inaugural non-stop Qantas London to Perth scheduled flight. Charles piloting experience includes the Piper PA-28, North American TF-51 Mustang, time logged on the MiG-15 and training on the 707 simulator at the Pan Am International Flight Academy in Miami.