Chris Maloney Editor & Author

Chris Maloney is a psychiatrist, psychotherapist and General Practitioner. He worked as a GP with people seeking asylum for many years, and has been an expert witness in asylum cases since 2003. He is a co-author of Intelligent Kindness: Rehabilitating the Welfare State (2nd edition), together with John Ballatt and Penny Campling (Cambridge University Press, 2020). Julia Nelki is a child psychiatrist and family therapist. She has set up services for families and unaccompanied children seeking asylum in Liverpool, is a trustee of a Refugee charity, and wrote medicolegal reports in asylum cases for twenty-five years. She now works with the Refugee Resilience Collective offering support to volunteers working with refugees. She has authored many peer reviewed publications and Villa Russo: A Jewish Story (Offizin Verlag 2022). Alison Summers is a general psychiatrist and psychodynamic psychotherapist. She has worked with people seeking asylum since 2008 as a psychotherapist and more recently a medico-legal report writer. She is a board member and medical report writer for Torture ID, and works with people seeking asylum that live in her local community.