David Cooke Author & Editor

David Cooke was born in 1953 in Wokingham, although his family comes from the West of Ireland. In 1977, whilst he was an undergraduate at Nottingham University, he won a Gregory Award. His first collection, Brueghel's Dancers, was published in 1984, by Free Man's Press Editions. His poems and reviews have appeared or are forthcoming in numerous journals such as Agenda, The Bow Wow Shop, Critical Quarterly, Cyphers, The Interpreter's House, The Irish Press, The London Magazine, The North, Orbis, Other Poetry, Poetry Ireland Review, Poetry London, Poetry Salzburg Review, The Reader, The SHOp, Stand, Staple, and The Use of English. His retrospective collection, In the Distance, has just been published by Night Publishing. Work Horses, a collection of his more recent work, is scheduled for publication by Ward Wood Publishing in 2012. David Cooke is married with four grown-up children. For many years he was Head of Modern Languages at a large comprehensive school in Cleethorpes. For the past five years he has earned his living as an internet bookseller.