Doon Arbus Author

Diane Arbus (1923–1971) revolutionized the terms of the art she practiced. In addition to Chronology, four volumes of her work have been published posthumously and have remained continuously in print: Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph (1972), Diane Arbus: Magazine Work (1984), Untitled: Diane Arbus (1995), and Diane Arbus Revelations (2003).

Elisabeth Sussman (coauthor, chronology and footnotes) is the Sondra Gilman Curator of Photography at the Whitney Museum of American Art. She served as guest cocurator for Diane Arbus Revelations.

Doon Arbus (coauthor, chronology and footnotes) is the eldest daughter of Diane and Allan Arbus; since her mother’s death she has managed The Estate of Diane Arbus.

Jeff L. Rosenheim (author, biographies) is curator of photographs at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.