Francis Nenik Author

Francis Nenik is a pseudonym; the writer prefers to remain anonymous. He was born in the early 1980s and lives in Leipzig. Nenik boasts numerous publications in renowned magazines such as Merkur, Edit and Words Without Borders, some of which were produced for radio. His debut novel XO was published as a loose-leaf collection. His award-winning essay “The Marvel of Biographical Bookkeeping (tr. Katy Derbyshire) was published by Readux Books in 2013, Coin Operated History (tr. Amanda DeMarco) by Fiktion in 2016. Born in London and based in Berlin for more than twenty years, Katy Derbyshire translates contemporary German writers. Her published work includes books by Clemens Meyer, Christa Wolf, Heike Geissler and Olga Grjasnowa.