Jareh Das Author

Njideka Akunyili Crosby was born in 1983 in Enugu, Nigeria, and currently lives and works in Los Angeles. The artist was awarded an honorary doctorate from Swarthmore College in May 2019. She is also the recipient of a 2017 MacArthur Fellowship and has received a number of awards and grants. She was an Artist in Residence at The Studio Museum in Harlem from 2011 to 2012.

Dr. Jareh Das is an independent curator, writer, and researcher who lives and works between West Africa and the United Kingdom.

Helen Molesworth is a writer, podcaster, and curator based in Los Angeles and Provincetown.

Jason Rosenfeld, Ph.D., is a professor of art history at Marymount Manhattan College, New York, and a senior writer and editor-at-large at The Brooklyn Rail.

Drew Thompson is an art historian and curator of African and Black Diaspora visual and material culture.