JD Beresford Author

J.D. Beresford (1873-1947) was an English dramatist, journalist, and author. Besides Goslings (1913), his science fiction novels include The Hampdenshire Wonder (1911), about a super-genius child, Revolution (1921), What Dreams May Come... (1941), A Common Enemy (1942), and The Riddle of the Tower (1944, with Esme Wynne-Tyson), about a dystopian, hive-like society. Beresford was persecuted for his pacifism during WWI. His daughter Elisabeth was author of a series of children's books about The Wombles. Astra Taylor is a Canadian-American documentary filmmaker and writer, best known for her 2005 film, Zizek!, about the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek, and for her 2008 film, Examined Life. She lives in Brooklyn, NY.