Jean-Luc Champerret Author

Jean-Luc Champerret was born in the village of Le Moustier in 1910. He is the author of the poetry volume Chants de la Dordogne (Songs of the Dordogne), and a translator of the Ice-Age signs of Lascaux.; Philip Terry was born in Belfast, and is a poet and translator. His interests include the theory and practice of creative writing, particularly the work of Oulipo, experimental translation, and hybrid forms of writing and poetry. He has taught at the universities of Caen, Plymouth and Essex, where he established the Centre for Creative Writing. His books include Ovid Metamorphosed (2000) and Shakespeare's Sonnets (2011), and the novel Tapestry (2013), which was shortlisted for the Goldsmiths Prize. Dante's Inferno, which relocates Dante's poem to current-day Essex, was published in 2014. His poetry collection Quennets was published in 2016, and his re-imagining of Gilgamesh, Dictator, was published in 2018.