Jeffrey Hopkins Author, Translator & Editor

Tenzin Gyatso, His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, is the spiritual and temporal leader of the Tibetan people. His tireless, efforts on behalf of human rights and world peace have brought him the Wallenberg Award, the Albert Schweitzer Award and the Nobel Peace Prize. Jeffrey Hopkins, Ph.D., served for a decade as the interpreter to the Dalai Lama. A Buddhist scholar and the author of more than twenty books and translations, he is professor emeritus of Tibetan and Buddhist Studies at the University of Virginia, where he founded the largest academic program of Tibetan Buddhist studies in the West. Jeffrey Hopkins, Ph.D., served for a decade as the interpreter to the Dalai Lama. A Buddhist scholar and the author of more than twenty books and translations, he is professor emeritus of Tibetan and Buddhist Studies at the University of Virginia, where he founded the largest academic program of Tibetan Buddhist studies in the West.