John Bratton Author & Editor

John Bratton is Visiting Professor at Strathclyde University in Glasgow and Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland. He holds a BSc in Economics from the University of Hull and a PhD in the sociology of work from the University of Manchester. He has more than 30 years’ experience teaching a range of organizational behaviour, leadership and human resource management courses, at both undergraduate and graduate levels mainly in the UK and Canada, but also in Finland and Singapore. His research interests traverse the sociology of work and management. In addition to writing this book, John is author of Japanization at Work: Managerial Studies in the 1990s; co-author of Workplace Learning: A Critical Introduction (2004); co-author (with Keith Grint and Debra Nelson) of Organizational Leadership (2005); co-author (with Jeff Gold) of Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice (2017); co-author (with David Denham) of Capitalism and Classical Social Theory (2019), and editor of Organizational Leadership (2020).