Julia Park Editor & Author

Julia Park is an architect and Head of Housing Research at Levitt Bernstein, with over 30 years of housing design experience and a large body of research work. She is particularly interested in bridging the gap between policy and practice and is currently interim chair of the RIBA Housing Group and an active member of the cross sector Housing Forum. She writes a regular column for Building Design and has written, or co-authored, numerous design guides, reports and publications, including the first HAPPI report in 2009.

Jeremy Porteus is Director of the Housing LIN (Learning and Innovation Network), and a national expert in housing for older people. He chaired the Homes and Communities Agency Vulnerable and Older People Advisory Group 2010-2016 and is vice-chair of the Housing & Ageing Alliance. He also sits on a number of Department of Health working groups relating to delivering better care at home and healthier communities. Jeremy has been heavily involved in the HAPPI reports (and is secretariat and author of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Housing and Care for Older People inquiry reports HAPPI 2 and HAPPI 3) and writes regular blogs and thought-leadership pieces. He also worked closely with a RIBA research team in 2014 on their review on design for an ageing population and, as a fellow of the National Institute for Health Research, sits on a number of academic and knowledge transfer projects.