Kerry Bone Author

Kerry Bone was an experienced research and industrial chemist before studying herbal medicine in the UK, where he graduated from the full-time course at the School of Phytotherapy. He is currently a practising herbalist of 15 years' experience, Head of research and Development at MediHerb (Australia's largest manufacturer of high quality herbal extracts) and Principal of the Australian College of Phytotherapy. His research interests include natural insecticide products.

Kerry's technical articles, such as the MediHerbProfessional Review, are regularly published in Australia and overseas. His standing as an expert herbalist was acknowledged by his appointment from 1990to 1997 to the Traditional Medicines Evaluation Committee of the TherapeuticGoods Administration (equivalent to the FDA). He is currently Chair of the Herbal Task Force, a government-industry initiative.

Professional association memberships include; Fellow, National Institute of Medical Herbalists; Fellow, national herbalists Association of Australia; member, College of Practitioners of Phytotherapy.

He is co-author with SimonMills of the successful “Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy” published under the CL imprint, and co-author with Simon Mills of the forthcoming “Herbal Medicine Safety” book to be published in summer 2003.