Kim Addonizio Author

Kim Addonizio is the author of five books of poetry, including Tell Me (BOA Editions), which was a National Book Award Finalist. Her most recent collection is Lucifer at the Starlite (W.W. Norton). She has two books on writing, also from Norton: The Poet’s Companion: A Guide to the Pleasures of Writing Poetry (with Dorianne Laux) and Ordinary Genius: A Guide for the Poet Within. A selected poems compilation, Two Losers Stand on a Corner, was published in Arabic by Kalima Press. In the Box Called Pleasure, a short story collection, was published by FC2. Addonizio has also authored two novels, Little Beauties and My Dreams Out in the Street (Simon & Schuster).

Charles D. Jones, a printmaker, is the director of LaNana Creek Press and Regents Professor of Art at Stephen F. Austin State University, USA.