Lindsay M Orchowski Editor

Lindsay Orchowski recently completed a NIAAA-funded research examining sexual assault prevention with college men, and is currently the Principal Investigator of a CDC-funded evaluation of sexual assault prevention, risk reduction, and bystander intervention programming among high school students, a CDC-funded evaluation of social norms interventions for sexual assault prevention and risk reduction among middle school youth, and a Department of Defense Funded evaluation of sexual assault prevention for men in the military. Dr. Lindsay M. Orchowski is an Associate Professor (Research) at the Alpert Medical School of Brown University, and a Staff Psychologist at Rhode Island Hospital. She completed her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at Ohio University, where she studied under the apprenticeship of Dr. Christine A. Gidycz in the Laboratory for the Study and Prevention of Sexual Assault. In concert with collaborators, she has published three prior evaluations of sexual assault prevention programs for college women (Gidycz et al., 2006; Orchowski et al., 2008; Gidycz et al., 2015), as well as prevention approaches for college men (Orchowski et al., 2018; Gidycz et al., 2011), and has authored work on the implementation of sexual assault prevention programs for men (Gidycz et al., 2011), and the supervision of such work (Orchowski et al., 2011). As a Principal Investigator, she completed a NIAAA-funded research examining sexual assault prevention with college men, and is currently the Principal Investigator of two CDC-funded evaluations of sexual assault prevention, risk reduction, and bystander intervention programming among high school and middle school students, and a Department of Defense Funded evaluation of sexual assault prevention for men in the military. She has previously published Sexual Assault Risk Reduction and Resistance: Theory, Research and Practice with Elsevier. Dr. Alan Berkowitz received his Ph.D. in Psychology from Cornell University in 1981 and is a New York State licensed Psychologist. At Hobart and William Smith Colleges he developed one of the first rape prevention programs for men in the United States for men, was co-director of the college's highly regarded Men and Masculinity Program and chaired the Prejudice Reduction Task Force. He edited or co-edited two of the first books on men’s responsibility for preventing sexual assault and is highly regarded for his extensive research, training, and theoretical contributions to this topic. He was the Editor and founder of The Report on Social Norms, and has over forty-five years of experience in higher education as a trainer, psychologist, faculty member, and Counseling Center Director. Dr. Berkowitz is currently an independent consultant who helps colleges, universities, public health agencies, military organizations, and communities design programs that address health and social justice issues. His lecture and workshop topics include: changing campus, community and military base culture, effective drug and sexual assault prevention strategies, reducing prejudice, racial identity theory, multicultural issues, alcohol and sexual assault, men's responsibility for preventing sexual assault, developing alliances across differences, and understanding today's youth. He is a Fellow of the American College Health Association, has been recognized by the American College Personnel Association for his "Outstanding Contributions to Men's Issues”, and is a sexual assault prevention Subject Matter Expert for the United States Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard and National Guard.