Moving Mountains
Louise Kenward - Hardback
Louise Kenward is a writer, artist and psychologist. Working for the NHS for much of her career she set up ZebraPsych in 2020 with the aim to raise awareness and understanding of energy limiting chronic illness. Previously Writer-in-Residence at Rye Harbour Nature Reserve with Sussex Wildlife Trust (2021-2022), she has been widely published, including in anthologies Women On Nature (2021) and But You Don’t Look Sick (2021), as well as The Clearing, BMJ, The Polyphony, The Unwritten, and The Bookseller. In 2020 she co-produced Disturbing The Body (Boudicca Press) before setting up Moving Mountains with the aim of bringing together writers and readers who live with illness and disability and a love of the more-than-human world around us. Her essay commissioned for Landscapes for Recovery (‘The Ocean as Mirror’) was broadcast on BBC Radio 3 at the end of 2022. Kenward is currently undertaking a practice led PhD with the Centre for Place Writing at Manchester Metropolitan University and is preparing her first full-length book A Trail of Breadcrumbs.