Maja Zawierzeniec Editor

Maja Zawierzeniec, Ph.D., is a Polish Mexicanist, translator, TEDxWarsawWomen speaker and TEDxMarszalkowska organizer, and a trilingual poet, who has collaborated with a number of renowned Polish and foreign universities and other institutions as a lecturer and in a variety of cultural, social and artistic projects. She has published La mujerenel mundolatinoamericano. Literatura, historia, sociedad – elcaso de México (2015); Las voces sordas. El capital creativo del narco México contemporáneo (1985-2015) (two editions: 2016 and 2018), y El glosarioesencial del lenguaje del narcoenel México contemporáneo (2018) as well as four poetry books and several research articles (Mexican culture and literature, narcoculture and narcoliterature, relations between Mexico and East Asia and linguistics).