Marie Reilly Author

Marie Reilly obtained a PhD in Biostatistics from the University of Washington and has been a Professor of Biostatistics at the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm since 2003. Much of her methodological work involved the development of methods for extending standard epidemiological designs and analysis to address problems arising in research studies using Swedish national registers. Applications spanned a wide range of research investigations in perinatal epidemiology, family studies, blood safety, transfusion studies and maternal screening. Her applied work has also involved engagement in a number of HIV studies in Africa, including randomized clinical trials of candidate HIV-vaccines in infants and adults.

At the Karolinska Institute, she was responsible for the design and delivery of biostatistics education to PhD students in epidemiology and to undergraduate medical students. This book began with these teaching materials and grew over several years with advanced courses, in Karolinska and overseas, on extended case-control designs and re-use of case-control data.