Mark Bird Author

Mark was born in a cemetery in Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, England. Honestly! His Gran and Granddad lived and worked there! He went to school in Uttoxeter; loved school but didn't love all the teachers. There were a few amazing ones though - the ones you never forget. After that, he studied Art and Education at Edge Hill University and trained to become a teacher - some of the best days of his life. His love of writing began at 11. He would be inspired after watching a good film. As the end credits rolled, he'd dart to his room and write far-fetched adventures about himself and his friends. Mark discovered poetry when he found an old tatty book of poems by A.A. Milne. Mark Bird writes because he enjoys inventing characters, places and events that never existed before. He loves to write inspirational poems and stories; whether that be humorous narratives or work exploring children's emotions. He has had his children's poems published by Gill Education, The Caterpillar magazine and most recently, in Macmillan's "The Best Ever Book of Funny Poems." Mark's poem "Schoolsick" was commended in 2021's "Poetry For Good" competition, celebrating key workers during the pandemic. In addition, his writing has featured in several of Brian Moses' online mini-anthologies. Mark works as a primary school teacher in London. "There's no greater job for keeping you young and hopeful."