Martin R Delany Author

Martin R. Delany (1812–85), abolitionist and first Black field officer in the US Army, produced a collection of works that resonate still with advocates for civil rights and social justice. Writing during the US Civil War, he is often regarded as the father of Black Nationalism.

Dr. Sandra M. Grayson is a tenured Full Professor in the English Department at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Her numerous publications include the books Visions of the Third Millennium: Black Science Fiction Novelists Write the Future; Symbolizing the Past: Reading Sankofa, Daughters of the Dust, and Eve’s Bayou as Histories; A Literary Revolution: In the Spirit of the Harlem Renaissance; and Sparks of Resistance, Flames of Change: Black Communities and Activism.

Patty Nicole Johnson writes sci-fi that envisions a more equitable society. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in New American Legends, On the Seawall, Midnight & Indigo, Constelación and Flame Tree’s Black Sci-Fi Short Stories. She is also revising her debut novel, The Rhythm of Reveries and has been a panellist at FIYAHCON.