Merle Kröger

Merle Kröger is an internationally acclaimed filmmaker and novelist. In 2016, she will be releasing a documentary film in Germany based on the events that served as the inspiration for Collision, a bestseller in Germany with a ranking of #28 on the Spiegel list.

Rachel Hildebrandt has published both fiction and nonfiction works in translation, including Grace: A Biography by Thilo Wydra and Staying Human by Katharina Stegelmann (both from Skyhorse).
Alexandra Roesch is a bilingual translator based in Frankfurt am Main. She grew up in England, studied Business and Modern Languages in London and initially worked in the Banking Industry before moving to Germany in 1997. She recently completed a M.A. in Translation at the University of Bristol, including extensive studies of Alfred Döblin, Günter Grass and Ralf Rothmann. She translates extracts and short stories for major German and Swiss publishers.