Michael A Dirr Author

A professor of horticulture at the University of Georgia, Michael A. Dirr is a legend in the horticultural world and has tremendous energy for teaching about plants, writing about plants, and especially for growing plants. Michael worked at a nursery and garden center to pay his way through university while earning his bachelor and master of science degrees at Ohio State. He went on to earn a doctorate in plant physiology at the University of Massachusetts and began his teaching career in 1972 as an assistant professor at the University of Illinois. Michael has published more then 300 scientific and popular papers and articles. His teaching, lectures, seminars, garden study tours, and plant introduction programs have contributed enormously to greater horticultural awareness, and his book Dirr's Hardy Trees and Shrubs is one of Timber's bestselling titles. He has received numerous awards and honors during his career, most recently the Liberty Hyde Bailey Medal from the American Horticulture Society. Today, he travels widely to lecture, teach, and form new opinions of plants.