Michael Southworth Author & Editor

Michael and Susan Southworth have practiced urban planning and architecture in Boston and in the San Francisco Bay area. Because of their knowledge of Boston architectural history, they were chosen by the City to extend the Freedom Trail beyond its early beginnings. Subsequently, Boston hired them for more than a dozen preservation planning projects. Their urban design and park projects have won national and international awards. Their research and consulting has helped neighborhoods recover lost history and sympathetically incorporate adventurous new architecture into historic streetscapes. Michael Southworth is professor of Urban Design and Planning at the University of California at Berkeley, a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects, and a charter member of the American Institute of Certified Planners. He is also the North American editor for the Journal of Urban Design. Susan Southworth also writes fiction; she is completing a Balkan trilogy, including The Last Kosovo Serb Won’t Leave. She is currently researching the Chechen diaspora.