Michael Trevor Author

Born in Pomerania, the German artist Egon Altdorf (1922–2008) settled in 1946 in Wiesbaden, where he worked as a sculptor, printmaker and stained-glass designer. Throughout his life he wrote poetry, creating a body of work that reflects upon his own art, the art of others and the world around him. Dr Judith LeGrove is a writer who has worked extensively with artists and their archives. Recent publications include Geoffrey Clarke: a sculptor’s materials (2017), Into the Light: The Art of Egon Altdorf (2023) and Kenneth Draper: On the Edge of Sculpture (2023). Michael Trevor was a production designer for many years. His credits include The Secret Agent (BBC 1992, from Joseph Conrad’s novel), The Ice House (BBC 1997), and a short film by Christophe Gérard, Annotations (2001). He has longstanding interests in architectural history, poetry, and German literature.