Mika Kimmins Author

Holden Karau is a queer transgender Canadian, Apache Spark committer, Apache Software Foundation member, and an active open source contributor. As a software engineer, she's worked on a variety of distributed computing, search, and classification problems at Apple, Google, IBM, Alpine, Databricks, Foursquare, and Amazon. She graduated from the University of Waterloo with a bachelor of mathematics in computer science. Outside of software, she enjoys playing with fire, welding, riding scooters, eating poutine, and dancing. Mika Kimmins is a data engineer, distributed systems researcher, and ML consultant. She worked on a variety of NLP, language modeling, reinforcement learning, and ML pipelining at scale as a Siri Data Engineer at Apple, an academic, and in not-for-profit engineering capacities. She is currently earning an MS in Engineering Science and an MBA from Harvard, and holds a BS in Computer Science and Mathematics from the University of Toronto. As a Korean-Canadian-American trans woman, Mika is active in data-driven advocacy for queer healthcare access, advises undergraduate Computer Science students, and attempts to keep her volunteer EMT courses current. Her hobbies include figure skating, aerial arts, and sewing.