Peter Nicholls Author & Editor

Laura Marcus is Goldsmiths' Professor of English Literature and a Fellow of New College at the University of Oxford. She has published widely on nineteenth- and twentieth-century literature and culture. Her publications include Auto/biographical Discourses: Theory, Criticism, Practice (1994/1998), Virginia Woolf: Writers and their Work (1997, new edition 2004), and The Tenth Muse: Writing about Cinema in the Modernist Period (2007). She has edited or co-edited a number of volumes, including The Actuality of Walter Benjamin (1993/1998), 'Close Up' 1927–1933: Cinema and Modernism (1998), Sigmund Freud's 'The Interpretation of Dreams': New Interdisciplinary Essays (1999), and Mass-Observation as Poetics and Science (2001). Peter Nicholls is Professor of English at New York University. His publications include Ezra Pound: Politics, Economics and Writing, Modernisms: A Literary Guide, George Oppen and the Fate of Modernism, and many articles and essays on literature and theory. He recently co-edited On Bathos and is currently U.S. editor of Textual Practice.