Phillip Lopate Author & Editor

Phillip Lopate, a Brooklyn native, has written three personal essay collections—Bachelorhood, Against Joie de Vivre, and Portrait of My Body; two novels, Confessions of Summer and The Rug Merchant; two poetry collections; a collection of his movie criticism, Totally Tenderly Tragically; and an urbanist meditation, Waterfront: A Journey Around Manhattan. Lopate also has edited several anthologies, including The Art of the Personal Essay and Writing New York. His essays, fiction, poetry, film, and architectural criticism have appeared in The Best American Short Stories, The Best American Essays (1987), several Pushcart Prize annuals, The Paris Review, Harper’s, Vogue, Esquire, Threepenny Review, the New York Times, Preservation, Cite, Metropolis, and many other periodicals and anthologies. Lopate has also taught creative writing and literature at Fordham University, Cooper Union, the University of Houston, and New York University. He is a Professor at Columbia University, where he directs the nonfiction concentration in the graduate writing program.