Richard Bridgland Author

Professor David J. Breeze has published several books on Roman frontiers and the Roman army. He is a former chairman of the International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies.

Tony Wilmott is a Senior Archaeologist for Historic England. He has directed many excavations on the frontiers of Roman Britain including on the Hadrian’s Wall fort of Birdoswald, and on the Saxon Shore at Richborough.

Sofie Vanhoutte is Heritage Researcher - Archaeology for Flanders Heritage Agency (Belgium) and Teaching Assistant Archaeology at Ghent University. She has directed several excavations at and around the Roman fort at Oudenburg and has made a PhD on this fort site and its significance within the wider context of the Roman North Sea and Channel frontier zone.

Richard Bridgland is a researcher of marine aspects of the Roman Empire for many years, with particular interest in Saxon Shore studies.