Robert Crotty Author

Terence Lovat is Emeritus Professor (Philosophy, Religion and Theology) at the University of Newcastle, Australia and Senior Research Fellow at Oxford University, UK. He is a former Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean at Newcastle, currently holding a full-time research position. One of his main areas of research (incl. funded) involves Islam with particular attention to its relationship with Judaeo-Christianity and ‘Western’ civilization. He has won awards from Islamic groups for his work on Islam. Robert Crotty is Emeritus Professor (Religion and Education) at the University of South Australia. He is an eminent biblical studies scholar whose work has focused principally on the Abrahamic religions and their interface. He has written many books on Judaism, Christianity and has publications on Islam, including on the enigmatic role of Hagar, the Arabic wife of Abraham and mother of his first-born, Ishmael. Hagar and Ishmael constitute iconic sacred figures of both mainstream and radical Islam.