Ron Fellows Author

Dr. Peter Dale trained originally as psychiatrist social worker, and subsequently as a counselor/psychotherapist. His PhD research was a qualitative study focused on the perceptions of clients and therapists of the therapeutic process for adults who were abused as children (Dale 1999). Peter Dale worked in child and family psychiatrist services before joining the NSPCC in 1980, where he was a practitioner, manager and Senior Research Officer until 2002. An establishment and author. Dr. Dale now acts as an independent social worker expert witness throughout the UK in care proceedings – specializing in cases where there are serious suspicious injuries to infants.
Contact details: [email protected]

Richard Green trained as a social worker and family therapist. He has held a number of posts in both local authorities and the NSPCC, including practitioner, manager and evaluation officer. He is currently employed as Senior Consultant within the NSPCC, working with a range of statutory and voluntary agencies to improve the safeguarding of children.
Contact details: rgreen@nspcc,

Ron Fellows trained originally as a social worked, and subsequently as a family/brief therapist. He worked in mental health and children and family services for various London boroughs. Since joining the NSPCC, he has held posts as a practitioner and manager.
Contact details: [email protected]