Sarah Sills Editor

Esther Farmer (Editor) Esther Farmer is the director and playwright of "Wrestling with Zionism." In addition to producing storytelling workshops around the country as a JVP-National artist, she has played leadership roles in the New York City Housing Authority, as a United Nations representative, and as a founder of Teamsters for a Democratic Union. Rosalind Pollack Petchesky (Editor) Rosalind Pollack Petchesky (she/her) is Distinguished Professor Emerita of Political Science at Hunter College, City University of New York. She is a recipient of the MacArthur Fellowship and more recently, the Charles A. McCoy Career Achievement Award. Dr. Petchesky is a JVP-NYC chapter leader, a classical pianist, and a kickboxer. Sarah Sills (Editor) Sarah Sills produces storytelling workshops, and is part of the "Wrestling with Zionism" Readers Theater. As a life-long artist-activist and organizer, she co-led a Teamsters trade union delegation to China, organized clerical workers at Columbia University, raised money for Salvadoran women's cooperatives during the war, and worked at a pro-Aristide Haitian newspaper.