Simon Startin Author

Simon Startin Simon Startin has worked as a professional theatremaker since 1991. Initially as an actor, working with such companies as Graeae, Royal Exchange Manchester, Hampstead Theatre, Red Shift and Fittings, as well as roles on film and television. In 2002 he branched into writing through the Paines Plough “Wild Lunch” scheme. The resulting play Revolting was funded by London Arts and premiered at the Xposure Festival, a dark satire on models of disability telling the story of “Happenstance” – the cripple Christ never cured. Since then he has struck up a fruitful relationship with London Bubble Theatre Company, writing nine pieces for them, five of which were awarded the Time Out Critics’ Choice. His other plays include: The Crock of Gold, Myths, Rituals and Whitegoods, Metamorphoses, Odyssey, Mezzanine and Sirens of Titan. Currently, Simon is Co-creative Director of the The Big Lounge Collective, a production company that promotes the work of emerging disabled artists. His play Blackbirds, produced by London Bubble, is also published by Aurora Metro Books.