Stella Christie Author

Kongjian Yu is a doctor of design at the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University and an honorary foreign fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, as well as a professor for the College of Architecture and Landscape at Peking University.

Helen Woolley is an associated professor for the department of landscape architecture at the University of Sheffield.

Stella Christie is an associate professor for the department of psychology at Tsinghua University, a research chair of Tsinghua laboratory of brain and intelligence, and the director of the child cognition centre of Tsinghua laboratory of brain and intelligence.

John Zacharias is a professor at the College of Architecture and Landscape at Peking University and the director of the laboratory for urban process modelling and applications at Peking University.

Guangsi Lin is a professor and PhD supervisor for the department of landscape architecture, School of Architecture, South China University of Technology, as well as the fellow of the state key laboratory of subtropical building science and Guangzhou municipal key laboratory of landscape architecture.

Yao Shen is a doctor of environmental gardening at Chiba University and is associate professor for the department of urban and rural planning at the School of Architecture, Hunan University.

Xiaoxuan Lu is an assistant professor of landscape architecture at the University of Hong Kong.