Steve Klabnik Author

AUTHOR BIO   Ryan Bigg is a Rails developer living in Melbourne, Australia, recognized for his prolific and accurate answers on IRC and StackOverflow. He was named a Ruby Hero for his work on the Rails Guides and for being generally helpful in the ROR community.   Yehuda Katz is the founder of the EmberJS framework, a former lead developer on SproutCore, and is well-known for his contributions to Rails 4, jQuery, Bundler, and Merb.   Steve Klabnik is a member of the Ruby on Rails team. A prolific open source contributor, he's made contributions to a large number of Ruby projects, including Rails, Sinatra, Rubygems, Rubinius, Resque, Draper, and over 20 gems of his own. When he's not speaking at conferences, working on Rails, or training on Ruby and Rails at Jumpstart Lab, he's reading philosophy books and applying their lessons to software.