Sue Larkey Author

Sue Larkey is Director of Autism Consulting & Educational Services in southern Australia. She has taught both as a primary school teacher and as a special education teacher teaching students with ASD in a mainstream and at a specialist autism school. She combines this practical experience with extensive research, having completed a Masters in Special Education and currently undertaking a Doctorate in Education. Sue has spoken at the World Autism Congress and regularly runs workshops on educational strategies for children with ASD. Jo Adkins is the Director of Creating Success, a company which facilitates training seminars on autism spectrum disorders for parents and professionals living or working with children on the autism spectrum. Jo's eldest child was diagnosed with autism at the age of two. She lives in Napier, New Zealand. Tony Attwood, PhD, is a clinical psychologist from Brisbane, Australia, with over 30 years of experience with individuals with autism spectrum disorders. He is currently Adjunct Professor at Griffith University in Queensland.