Tess Burrows Author

Tess Burrows was born in Southern England in 1948 and educated in Bedales School. She gained a degree in Ecological Science from Edinburgh University and moved to Australia to grow trees. In 1984 she returned as a mother of three young boys, with the gentleness of motherhood being paramount. In 1990, hit by the realisation that it is possible to help the Earth and make a difference, she started climbing using this medium for a number of unusual events raising awareness and funds for charity. In 1998 she founded Climb For Tibet with her partner Pete. Together they undertook various "peace climbs", raising over GBP100,000 for building schools in Tibet for underprivileged children. Best-selling author of Cry From The Highest Mountain, Climbing instructor, healer, motivational speaker and grandmother of two girls - one of whom was born on the same day as this book. She is a believer in the joy and positivity of life.