Zhaowu Yu Author

Kongjian Yu  is a doctor of design at the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, he is an honorary foreign fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a professor at the College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Peking University.
Noha Ahmed Abd El Aziz has a PhD and is an associate professor in the Urban Design Department, Faculty of Urban and Regional Planning, Cairo University.
Paolo Vincenzo Genovese is a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Architecture, Tianjin University.
Kevin Thwaites is a senior lecturer in the Department of Landscape Architecture and is the founder and co-leader of the Socio-spatial Urbanism Unit (SsUU), at the University of Sheffield.
Zihao Zhang is a PhD candidate in constructed environment and is a lecturer in landscape architecture at the School of Architecture, University of Virginia.
Zhaowu Yu is an assistant professor and is a PhD Supervisor in the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, Faculty of Science, at the University of Copenhagen.
Christian Nolf is an associate professor and program director of MSc urban design in the Department of Urban Planning and Design at Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University. He is also the director of the Jiangnan Lab.
Xiaoxuan Lu is an assistant professor of landscape architecture at the University of Hong Kong.
Halina Steiner is an assistant professor at the Landscape Architecture Section, Knowlton School of Architecture, at The Ohio State University.
Siu Man Kwok is the secretary general at the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area Ecology and Landscape Alliance (GBAELA).