Gordon Turnbull Author & Editor

Gordon Turnbull went to medical school at Edinburgh University and then joined the RAF where he gained experience in general medicine, expedition medicine and neurology. He then trained in psychiatry and was drawn into the field of psychological trauma after the Lockerbie air disaster in 1988. After active service in the Gulf War of 1991 as an RAF psychiatric adviser in the field, he conducted the first-ever debriefings of British prisoners of war and British hostages released from the Lebanon. He developed new treatment strategies for trauma at the Princess Alexandra Hospital, RAF Wroughton, and post-RAF has concentrated on trauma services for police officers, emergency service personnel and military veterans and civilians. He is currently Consultant Psychiatrist in trauma at Capio Nightingale Hospital in London and the Ridgeway Hospital in Wroughton, adviser in Psychiatry to the Civil Aviation Authority, visiting professor to the University of Chester and one of the world's leading experts on PTSD.