Jennifer Corrin Author & Editor

Professor Jennifer Corrin is the Director of the Centre for Public, International & Comparative Law and a Professor in the TC Beirne School of Law at The University of Queensland. Before joining The University of Queensland, Jennifer spent five years at the University of the South Pacific, having joined the Faculty after nine years in her own legal firm in Solomon Islands. She retains strong links with the profession and is a life member of Solomon Islands Bar Association. Jennifer is a member of the editorial Board of the Journal of Legal Pluralism, a member of the International Editorial Board of the Journal of South Pacific Law, and a member of the Editorial Board of the Comparative Law Journal of the Pacific. Professor David Bamford is Associate Head (International) for the Faculty of Education, Humanities, and Law at Flinders University. From 2007 to 2012 he served as Dean of the Law School. Before David joined the Faculty he was a practising lawyer in the areas of general civil litigation, workers compensation and industrial law.