Laura Neutzling Author

Laura Neutzling has spent most of her career in entertainment, leading marketing and branding efforts of Warner Brothers Music and DreamWorks Animation. She has created marketing copy, taglines, presentations, and award-winning live events all the way from concept to production. As her marketing career transitioned to animated children’s productions, she moved into writing scripts, discussion guides, and books. Laura originally hails from San Antonio, Texas, but called Nashville, Tennessee, home for nearly twenty years. A devoted aunt to five nephews and a niece, she currently resides with her husband in Sarasota, Florida, where she runs a marketing consulting business and works on her various writing projects.  Cee Biscoe has been illustrating picture books full time since early 2008. Her first picture book, Gruff the Grump, was one of the "Reads of the Year" in the Red House Children's Book Awards 2010. Since then she has illustrated several picture books and board books for a variety of publishers, including Grandma Kisses. The board book Sleepy Me was selected for inclusion in the 2012 Bookstart pack, and Messy Me was shortlisted for Lancashire County Council's Early Years Book Awards 2012. She completed an MA in children's book illustration at Cambridge School of Art in 2008.