Pratima Bansal Editor & Author

Pratima Bansal is Director of the Centre for Building Sustainable Value and the Executive Director for the Network for Business Sustainability. In 2008, she was awarded the Aspen's Institute title of Faculty Pioneer for Academic Leadership. She also held the title of Faculty Scholar from 2008-2010, awarded by the University of Western Ontario. Her first co-edited book with Elizabeth Howard, Business and the Natural Environment, took a disciplinary perspective. She has sat on six different editorial boards and is presently an Associate Editor for the Academy of Management Journal. Her research has also been cited in the popular press including The Independent, The Wall Street Journal, The National Post, and the Globe and Mail. She has also been awarded 13 research grants. Tima has been researching social and environmental issues since she completed her doctorate in 1996 at the University of Oxford. He was awarded the 2011 Aldo Leopold Leadership Fellowship, the 2009 Aspen Environmental Fellowship, the 2009 Manos Page Prize and the 2003 Faculty Pioneer/Rising Star Award. His book, From Heresy to Dogma, was awarded the 2001 Rachel Carson Prize from the Society for Social Studies of Science. Andy serves on advisory boards of the SustainAbility Council, Next Era Renewable Energy Trust, and the Michigan League of Conservation Voters, as well as the editorial board of Organization & Environment.